4 Day Video Course with writing exercises, downloadable meditation, journal templates and live Zoom Q&A

hosted by Bunny Michael

I know feeling empowered in an overwhelming world is difficult...

A part of you knows you deserve more joy in your life but something is still holding you back...

  • You're tired of being controlled by negative thoughts but you don't know how to stop them

  • You're feeling stagnant on your healing path and want to know how to move on from the past

  • You know you shouldn't be so hard on yourself but you don't know how to change

  • You want to start going for your goals and aspirations but you're afraid of failure

  • You want to cultivate a deeper connection to your intuition and self-love but you don't know where to start

This course is a 180 degree shift in how you SEE YOURSELF

It's no secret that negative thoughts and low self worth influence your perspective and experience of reality. But what is often missed is that in order to change that perspective you can't simply "get rid" of your negative thoughts or just "be positive and believe in yourself”- you have to dismantle the unconscious beliefs that are motivating those negative thought patterns and keeping you stuck in a "reality" where you aren't worthy.

Remove the narratives that block your self empowerment.

Your Higher Self is your true nature- the wholeness and inherent wisdom you were born into before you were conditioned by a toxic culture and the painful experiences of your past. Your Higher Self is always speaking to you, only you can't hear those messages when you are trapped in the illusion of inadequacy. I will teach you practical tools to let go of limited beliefs and realign with your Higher Self- the part of you that knows you are already enough.

Stop waiting for someone or something to come into your life and change it. You are what you have been waiting for.

Become Your Higher Self and...

  • Disrupt your negative thought patterns so they stop disrupting your goals and happiness

  • Hear the wisdom of your Higher Self and find confidence through your inherent value

  • Break out of the mental prison you have been stuck in for years where you convinced yourself you are inadequate

  • Get clarity on the hidden reasons you hold yourself back and learn how to stop

  • Become your number one supporter and best friend

  • Stop being controlled by the past and accept your abundant future

Watch intro video for free

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Course curriculum

includes 4 days of video lessons, writing assignments, access to live zoom q&a, downloadable mp3 meditation, downloadable journal template

    1. Introduction: What to expect from this course & my personal story of discovering my Higher Self

    1. Becoming The Witness (Video Lesson & Writing Assignment)

    1. Uncovering Your Learned Hierarchical Beliefs (Video Lesson & Writing Assignment)

    1. Day Three: Hearing The Voice of Your Higher Self (Video Lesson & Writing Assignment)

    1. Changes In Behavior and Environment To Support Your Higher Self (Video Lesson)

    1. * A live call with me to answer any questions you might have on being on the path of becoming your Higher Self where we will connect, share and be together! You are not alone! Can’t wait to meet ya!

About this course

  • $55.00
  • 6 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content